Episode 22: Emeric the mirror

In his words, Emeric Damian Thorpe, is a mirror into a new reality…

This is about the journey into the radical experience of being alive, of experiencing more of life itself.

Life is about the discovery of a dream, of a life to explore, of a masterpiece to create.

We are a movement toward an understanding of our existence, a play in the world that gives us the opportunity to express the fullness of our desires, to be free to play and tease out the experience of life as we desire.

You are the guardian of your story, and both of it and in it.

What story would you love to live?

With curiosity,

More clues about me:

  • I don’t eat or use animals for my pleasure.
  • Lucid dreaming and dream yoga entice me
  • Lifelong learning makes my life more interesting
  • I take people on journeys through conversations.
  • Creating everyday matters to me and I like to share.
  • My name is also Walking Cloud
  • Wildness and Freedom Speak Me
  • I deeply embrace the phrase, “Learn from everyone; follow no-one; be your own revolution.” Be Joy…
  • Absurdity, the ridiculous, the laughter of life is adored in my world.
  • Beauty and all that is tingles my body.
  • Honoring the body as a pleasurable sense in and of itself enchants…
  • Being free to be you and being free to be me is a must for me and I’ll support you in that, always.
  • The words continue but I will leave it at.

Where to find Emeric:

You can connect with Emeric by clicking here.


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