Episode 37: Regina of the land
Regina is stepping into the land, literally, as she grows in her work as a shaman.
Regina is stepping into the land, literally, as she grows in her work as a shaman.
Mike earned his title of “Podcast Veteran” by being one of the first 100 shows available back in 2005 and staying in the game ever since.
“‘Remarkability’ stands tall in silence. You do what you do for the love of turning the bad to better the best to great and the impossible to possible.” ~ Frank G. Caruso
Topher Brophy and Rosenberg the Dog are a team, a family and on a mission. They have teamed up to spread joy, compassion and acceptance through their photos.
Chany travels the world growing and learning, inspiring , all the while, doing what she’s meant to do – connect with people.
Connan and Cali share the ebb and flow of the nomad life as they follow the road that leads them.
She is rooted in her place, her work and her connection all while doing what she loves – storytelling through painting.
Stephen continues his quest for planting seeds of change with his upcoming Transformation U Live event.
Being rappers is part of who they are and also connected to everything in their life.
Jon’s talent and passion for writing showed up out of nowhere one day to help him through a difficult time and then, stayed, becoming part of his life forever.